
Toshihiko is available via NPM.

$ npm install --save toshihiko

# Install adapter layer
# If you're using MySQL, you should install mysql2 or mysql (mysql2 is recommended)
$ npm install --save mysql2
$ npm install --save mysql

# If you want to use memcached / redis / aliyun OCS as your cache layer:
$ npm install --save toshihiko-memcached
$ npm install --save toshihiko-redis
$ npm install --save toshihiko-aliyun-ocs

# And if you don't want to use cache layer, just do nothing

Setting Up a Connection

const T = require("toshihiko");

const dialect = "mysql";    // it only supports MySQL so far
const options = {           // options for MySQL
    username: "root",
    password: "",
    database: "toshihiko",
    host: "localhost",
    port: 3306,
    charset: "utf8mb4_bin",
    connectionLimit: 10,
    showSql: true,

    cache: {
        // cache options, if have
const toshihiko = new T.Toshihiko(dialect, options);

// You may implement your dialect

The Toshihiko constructor takes a whole slew of options that are available via the API Reference.

Your First Model

Models are defined with toshihiko.define("name", [ fields ], { options }).

const User = toshihiko.define("user", [
    { name: "username", type: T.Type.String, primaryKey: true },
    { name: "birthday", type: T.Type.Datetime }
], {
    cache: {
        // local cache options, if have

Many more options can be found in the Model API Reference.

For Toshihiko is simple enough, it even not provides methods like sync and so on. You should create table by yourself in other ways.

Callback vs. Promise

Toshihiko's query methods support both callback and promise way.

User.findById("Alice", function(err, user) {
    console.log(err, user);

// or

User.findById("Alice").then(function(user) {
}).error(function(e) {

// or

const user = yeild User.findById("Alice");

The promise object you got is implemented by Bluebird.

To compitable with 0.9, you can use .method().$promise as your promise object as well.